Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Unleashing The True Brilliance of Your Brand

real income from home

First Question to Answer:

How can I make my brand infectious?

We know about B2B (Business to Business), we know about B2C (Business to Consumer), but today the game is about C2C (Consumer to Consumer).
You must figure out a way to make your brand infectious so those in your community will virally spread the meaning and value of your brand with velocity. The goal is about maximizing the spread of your brand from Consumer to Consumer?
Find the right answer to this question… everything else will naturally come together!
So What Makes Your Brand Go Viral?
I spent six-weeks researching businesses that went from zero to multiple millions in four years or less. Companies like Coolest (Raised $13-Million on Kickstarter) Threadless, SPI Belt, Dollar Shave Club (16-Millon Views) and others.
Below, I highlighted the 10-principles that made those brand become infectious and go viral.
Warning - No Silver Bullet
The list of ten principles is very simple to read and understand, but to successfully execute is a big task. Yes, sometimes a brand gets lucky with something very simple that goes viral, but that's very rare.
In the case of "Coolest" brand that just raised $13-Million on Kickstarter, their first attempt was a huge failure. They spent 9-months re-grouping and planning for their second attempt. This time it was a huge hit and became the new record holder for the most successful campaign in the history of Kickstarter.
Foundational Concept
In my research, I discovered one foundational concept in common with all of these brands that were infectious and went viral.
Their focus was on "Why".
"People who know HOW will always work for people who know WHY."
People want something different, something that tells a STORY. They want to do business with people who believe, what they believe.
To me, their focus was more about attracting a tribe of liked minded people who "believe" what they believe! It's very clear that people don't buy just what you sell, they buy WHY you do it.
Why beliefs you stand for are at the core of all great brands.
Principles of infectious Brands
You get rewarded for…

1. A remarkable product that makes people want to "remark" about it. (Ideas that spread, wins!)

2. A product that is founded with a passionate story that has the right intent and cause for a specific tribe that solves an interesting problem. (The cause can be defined in three words)

3. A product that tells a story of a shift in culture and challenges status quo with its own unique language. (Creates a new trend)

4. The brand creates a passionate movement. Something that matters and has meaning that creates strong feelings within the tribe. (People crave passion)

5. A brand that connects to a specific market with focus and attention so they can easily talk to each other. (Find the right spot)

6. A unique product designed for customers, verses selling customers on the product.

7. A simple product with very few seamless choices as possible and little thinking involved.

8. A brand with charisma and the tribe is obsessed and desperately cares so they will tell their friends.

9. A product that creates advocates, then organizes and leads them.

10. It gives people what they really want…

+ Be Recognized (Physiological Oxygen) 
+ Be Fashionable (In with trends) 
+ Inclusion Within Circles (Community) 
+ Be Part of Something (Movement) 
+ Something cool/hip to Talk About (C2C)

Read Unleash the True Brilliance of Your Brand- PART1 here:
real income from home

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