Tuesday, 30 September 2014

12 Ways To Create An Order-Pulling Niche

real income from home

Here's today's feature article:

12 Ways To Create An Order-Pulling Niche
Copyright © Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy

A niche is something that sets your business apart
from your competitors. To compete with other
businesses nowadays, especially online, you need
a unique niche. Just make sure your competitors are
not using the same niche. Below are twelve ideas
you could use to create an order pulling niche.

1. Your niche could be that you offer free delivery.
This may cost a little money, but, you will gain the
extra customers to make up for it.

2. Your niche could be that you offer a lower price.
If you can't afford to offer a lower price you could
always hold the occasional discount sale.

3. Your niche could be that your product achieves
results faster. This niche is very effective because
people are becoming more and more impatient and
want results fast.

4. Your niche could be you've been in business for
a longer period of time. People think if you've been
in business longer you have more credibility.

5. Your niche could be that your product tastes,
smells sounds, looks, or feels better. When you
target the the senses you're triggering basic human

6. Your niche could be your product is light or
compact. People may want to take the product
on a trip or don't have much room where they live.

7. Your niche could be that you've won a business
reward. When you win a reward tell your customers
or visitors about it. This increases their trust in your

8. Your niche could be that your product lasts
longer. People don't like taking the time and spending
more money buying replacement products all the

9. Your niche could be that your product is easy to
use. People don't want to buy a product that they
have to read a 200 page hard-to-understand
instruction manual.

10. You niche could be that your product has better
safety features. People want to feel safe when they
use your products.

11. Your niche could be that your product was made
by hand. Most people believe that products made
by hand have better quality.

12. Your niche could be that you stand behind all
your products. People want to know that you back-
up any claims you make about your product with
either guarantees, warrantees and free replacements.

About the Author:
"I Was A Washed Up Restaurant Worker
Desperately Searching For A Way To Save My
Family When I Discovered The Internet And
Affiliate Marketing... 24 Months Later I Finally
Cracked The Code And Started Earning Over
$10,000.00 Per Month... Now The Same
System That Saved Me Is Available To You!" Visit:

* You have permission to re-print this article on your own
website, newsletter or blog as long as you leave it intact
including the full text and "About the Author" box. Thanks!

Quote of the Day:

"The more extensive a man's knowledge of what has been 
done, the greater will be his power of knowing what to do." 
-- Benjamin Disraeli
real income from home 

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

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Best choice book for prospective Internet Marketers, the Art and Science of making money online. You can download from the above/below links.


8 Benefits Of Helping An Online Business Newbie

real income from home

8 Benefits Of Helping An Online Business Newbie
Copyright © Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy

Do your remember when you first ventured out in the
online business world? You probably had questions
and problems along the way. Wouldn't it have been
easier if you had help? When a newbie asks for your
advice, educate them; answer their questions and help
them solve their online business problems. If you do
not have the knowledge to help them out, point them
in the right direction.

You'll get many benefits from helping online business
newbies. Below are eight possible benefits you could receive:

1. You will feel good knowing that you had a part in
helping them build their business. You can sit back
and say "I had a part in their success."

2. They may become one of your best friends. Most
people can use new friends, even business owners.
You may even become business partners and create
a totally new business together.

3. You could end up being strategic business allies
in the future. You could regularly do joint venture
and cross promotion deals with each other.

4. They may help you out with your business. Maybe
they will give you some testimonials or endorsements
for your products or services.

5. You might gain some valuable referrals from them.
They may also join your affiliate program and make
sales for your business.

6. They might offer you some free advertising space
on their web site or in their e-zine for your help. You
could also exchange advertising with them.

7. You both could end up developing a new product
or service together. The product or service could be
a combination of your current ones.

8. They might purchase the products you sell and
become one of your best customers. You could sell
them many back end products or services in the

There are probably many other benefits you could get
from helping a new online business owner. Always
remember to help them out because it's the nice thing
to do and not just to benefit your own business.

About the Author:
"I Was A Washed Up Restaurant Worker
Desperately Searching For A Way To Save My
Family When I Discovered The Internet And
Affiliate Marketing... 24 Months Later I Finally
Cracked The Code And Started Earning Over
$10,000.00 Per Month... Now The Same
System That Saved Me Is Available To You!" Visit:

* You have permission to re-print this article on your own
website, newsletter or blog as long as you leave it intact
including the full text and "About the Author" box. Thanks!

Quote of the Day:

"Only the educated are free." -- Epicetus
real income from home 

10 Ways To Improve Your Customer Service

 real income from home
10 Ways To Improve Your Customer Service
Copyright © Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy

1. Stay in contact with customers on a regular basis. Offer
them a free e-zine subscription. Ask customers if they
want to be updated by e-mail when you make changes to
your Web site. After every sale, follow-up with the
customer to see if they are satisfied with their purchase.

2. Create a customer focus group. Invite ten to twenty of
your most loyal customers to meet regularly. They will give
you ideas and input on how to improve your customer
service. You could pay them, take them out to dinner or
give them free products.

3. Make it easy for your customers to navigate on your
web site. Have a "FAQ" page on your Web site to explain
anything that might confuse your customers. Ask them to
fill out an electronic survey to find out how make your web
site more customer friendly.

4. Resolve your customers complaints quickly and
successfully. Answer all e-mail and phone calls within an
hour. If possible, you the owner of the business, personally
take care of the problem. This will show your customers
you really care about them.

5. Make it easy for your customers to contact you.
Offer as many contact methods as possible. Allow
customers to contact you by e-mail. Hyperlink your e-mail
address so customers won't have to type it. Offer toll free
numbers for phone and fax contacts.

6. Make sure employees know and use your customer
service policy. Give your employees bonuses or incentives
to practice excellent customer service. Tell employees to
be flexible with each individual customer, each one has
different concerns, needs and wants.

7. Give your customers more than they expect. Send thank
you gifts to lifetime customers. E-mail them online greeting
cards on holidays or birthdays. Award bonuses to your
customers who make a big purchase.

8. Always be polite to your customers. Use the words
your welcome, please, and thank you. Be polite to your
customers even if they are being irate with you. Always
apologize to your customers should you make a mistake.
Admit your mistakes quickly and make it up to them in a
big way.

9. Reward customers a point for every one dollar they
spend. Let's say customers can get a free computer for 300
points. That means customers will spend $300 dollars on
your products and services to get enough points to get the
free computer.

10. Build strong relationships with your customers. Invite
them to company meetings, luncheons, workshops or
seminars. Create special events for your customers like
parties, barbecue's, dances etc. This will make them feel
important when you include them in regular business
operations and special events.

About the Author:
"I Was A Washed Up Restaurant Worker
Desperately Searching For A Way To Save My
Family When I Discovered The Internet And
Affiliate Marketing... 24 Months Later I Finally
Cracked The Code And Started Earning Over
$10,000.00 Per Month... Now The Same
System That Saved Me Is Available To You!" Visit:

* You have permission to re-print this article on your own
website, newsletter or blog as long as you leave it intact
including the full text and "About the Author" box. Thanks!


"It is the province of knowledge to speak, and it is the 
privilege of wisdom to listen." -- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
real income from home

Unleashing The True Brilliance of Your Brand

real income from home

First Question to Answer:

How can I make my brand infectious?

We know about B2B (Business to Business), we know about B2C (Business to Consumer), but today the game is about C2C (Consumer to Consumer).
You must figure out a way to make your brand infectious so those in your community will virally spread the meaning and value of your brand with velocity. The goal is about maximizing the spread of your brand from Consumer to Consumer?
Find the right answer to this question… everything else will naturally come together!
So What Makes Your Brand Go Viral?
I spent six-weeks researching businesses that went from zero to multiple millions in four years or less. Companies like Coolest (Raised $13-Million on Kickstarter) Threadless, SPI Belt, Dollar Shave Club (16-Millon Views) and others.
Below, I highlighted the 10-principles that made those brand become infectious and go viral.
Warning - No Silver Bullet
The list of ten principles is very simple to read and understand, but to successfully execute is a big task. Yes, sometimes a brand gets lucky with something very simple that goes viral, but that's very rare.
In the case of "Coolest" brand that just raised $13-Million on Kickstarter, their first attempt was a huge failure. They spent 9-months re-grouping and planning for their second attempt. This time it was a huge hit and became the new record holder for the most successful campaign in the history of Kickstarter.
Foundational Concept
In my research, I discovered one foundational concept in common with all of these brands that were infectious and went viral.
Their focus was on "Why".
"People who know HOW will always work for people who know WHY."
People want something different, something that tells a STORY. They want to do business with people who believe, what they believe.
To me, their focus was more about attracting a tribe of liked minded people who "believe" what they believe! It's very clear that people don't buy just what you sell, they buy WHY you do it.
Why beliefs you stand for are at the core of all great brands.
Principles of infectious Brands
You get rewarded for…

1. A remarkable product that makes people want to "remark" about it. (Ideas that spread, wins!)

2. A product that is founded with a passionate story that has the right intent and cause for a specific tribe that solves an interesting problem. (The cause can be defined in three words)

3. A product that tells a story of a shift in culture and challenges status quo with its own unique language. (Creates a new trend)

4. The brand creates a passionate movement. Something that matters and has meaning that creates strong feelings within the tribe. (People crave passion)

5. A brand that connects to a specific market with focus and attention so they can easily talk to each other. (Find the right spot)

6. A unique product designed for customers, verses selling customers on the product.

7. A simple product with very few seamless choices as possible and little thinking involved.

8. A brand with charisma and the tribe is obsessed and desperately cares so they will tell their friends.

9. A product that creates advocates, then organizes and leads them.

10. It gives people what they really want…

+ Be Recognized (Physiological Oxygen) 
+ Be Fashionable (In with trends) 
+ Inclusion Within Circles (Community) 
+ Be Part of Something (Movement) 
+ Something cool/hip to Talk About (C2C)

Read Unleash the True Brilliance of Your Brand- PART1 here: https://en.neurs.com/blog/view/unleash-the-true-brilliance-of-your-brand
real income from home

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Play the New Time Machine Game at Tripleclicks

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Music Contest

10 Ways To Keep Visitors At Your Site Longer


10 Ways To Keep Visitors At Your Site Longer
Copyright © Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy

The more time people spend at your web site, the
more time you'll have to persuade them to buy your
product or service. Below are ten powerful ways to
keep visitors at your web site longer.

1. Provide your web site visitors with content they
can't read anywhere else. People will stay longer at
your web site to read the original content.

2. Remind your web site visitors they can print out
your content. They may browse around your online
store while it's printing.

3. Offer your web site visitors a freebie if they take
the time to fill out your online survey. They'll be at
the site longer and might buy something afterwards.

4. Offer your visitors free software that they can
download right from your web site. While they are
waiting they might read your ad.

5. Provide a huge online directory of information
that your visitors could search. The directory must
contain information your visitors would want.

6. Make sure all your web pages load fast or your
visitors will leave fast. Time is precious; they won't
waste it waiting for your site to load.

7. Tell your visitors what's offered at your web site
at the very beginning. If people are confused about
what's being offered they may leave too early.

8. Publish your web site professionally. People will
get turned off and leave if they see a lot of spelling
and grammar mistakes.

9. Make your site text easy to read. Most people
won't strain their eyes trying to read text that is too
small, light or bright.

10. Use headlines and sub headlines all over your
your web site that will grab visitors attention. It will
attract them to explore your web site longer.

About the Author:
"I Was A Washed Up Restaurant Worker
Desperately Searching For A Way To Save My
Family When I Discovered The Internet And
Affiliate Marketing... 24 Months Later I Finally
Cracked The Code And Started Earning Over
$10,000.00 Per Month... Now The Same
System That Saved Me Is Available To You!" Visit:

* You have permission to re-print this article on your own
website, newsletter or blog as long as you leave it intact
including the full text and "About the Author" box. Thanks!

Quote of the Day:

"Wisdom is the principal thing;
Therefore get wisdom.
And in all your getting, get understanding." -- Proverbs 4:7

Ten Ways To Make Your Ad Command Attention

Here's today's feature article:

10 Ways To Make Your Ad Command Attention
Copyright © Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy

1. Place colorful graphs, pie charts and other charts
in your ad copy. Use charts that will grab a persons
eye and also support your product claims.

2. Highlight buying incentives like free bonuses and
money back guarantees. You could place them in
boxes or in front of a different colored background.

3. Use short sentences or sentence fragments in the
body of your ad copy. A short burst of words can
catch a skimmers eye with one quick glance.

4. Highlight all the important keywords and phrases
in your ad copy. You could use bolding, underlining
and color to highlight the important words.

5. Place attention grabbing pictures above and within
your ad copy. A powerful technique is to use before
and after pictures of people using your product.

6. Use a headline that catches the attention of your
target audience. One of the most effective ways is
to use a free offer as your headline.

7. Make your ad's keywords and phrases standout
by enlarging the text. This technique works wonders
with headlines and sub headlines.

8. Make your products list of benefits and features
stand out by using a symbol in front of each of them.
The symbol could be a dash, solid circle, star, etc.

9. Use sub headlines to break up your ad copy and
to capture a skimmers eye. You could make them
even more powerful by highlighting them with color.

10. Use attention grabbing adjectives to describe
your product. For example sizzling, incredible, high
power, ultramodern, killer, eye popping, etc.

About the Author:
"I Was A Washed Up Restaurant Worker
Desperately Searching For A Way To Save My
Family When I Discovered The Internet And
Affiliate Marketing... 24 Months Later I Finally
Cracked The Code And Started Earning Over
$10,000.00 Per Month... Now The Same
System That Saved Me Is Available To You!" Visit:

* You have permission to re-print this article on your own
website, newsletter or blog as long as you leave it intact
including the full text and "About the Author" box. Thanks!

Quote of the Day:

"Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning 
from failure, loyalty, and persistence." -- Colin Powell


10 Ways To Promote Your Web Site While Doing Non Business Tasks


Here's today's feature article:

10 Ways To Promote Your Web Site While 
Doing Non Business Tasks
Copyright © Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy

1. Have a bumper sticker printed up with your web
site address and other business information. Place it
on the bumper of your car. People will see it when
you're driving.

2. Have some t-shirts made with your web site
address and other business information. Your family
or friends could wear them almost anywhere.

3. Have some ball caps made with your web site
address and other business information. Wear them
to keep the sun out of your eyes and promote your
business at the same time.

4. Have some business cards printed up with your
web site address and other business information.
Pass them out to people you meet or that might be
interested in your business.

5. Have a magnetic sign made with your web site
address and other business information. Place it on
your car door or roof when you are traveling.

6. Have some flyers printed out with your web site
address and other business information. Keep a few
with you to hang on bulletin boards you see.

7. Have some jackets printed with your web site
address and other business information. Give
them away to family and friends. When it's too cold
for t-shirts, you can wear jackets.

8. Have some duffle bags made with your web site
address and other business information. Give them
to family and friends as gifts or use them when you

9. Have some pens imprinted with your web site
address and other business information. When you
are done filling out your check or signing receipts
leave it there for the next person to use or keep.

10. Have some mugs imprinted with your web site
address and other business information. Use them
when you have company or give them away to
friends and family as gifts.

About the Author:
"I Was A Washed Up Restaurant Worker
Desperately Searching For A Way To Save My
Family When I Discovered The Internet And
Affiliate Marketing... 24 Months Later I Finally
Cracked The Code And Started Earning Over
$10,000.00 Per Month... Now The Same
System That Saved Me Is Available To You!" Visit:

Saturday, 20 September 2014

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Friday, 19 September 2014

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